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The Great Balancing Act

Life for me just got a lot more hectic. I currently teach at a primary school as my main job and have been slowly developing my voice actor skills and building my brand in the background. The summer holiday from school was an amazing opportunity for me to properly get stuck in and dedicate my time to life as a voice actor and I loved it! I have gone back to school this week however and it is already clear to me that I will have to make sure that I must make time in my schedule to relax, otherwise I will be burnt out before I even make it to October half term break. This is fine though as time management is something I am particularly good at. The main thing for me now is that I want to maintain optimum focus on every level. I want to keep on top of my teaching work and keep giving the children every bit of my attention that they deserve, but I also want to make sure that I don't drop the ball with my voice acting because I am really only just starting to gain traction. On top of this I have all of my improv to consider and this weekend is the perfect example of that because I am heading to Nottingham to perform at the 'Robin Hood Improv Festival' and will also be sticking around on Saturday to mingle with fellow imporvisers and to take a class (because I want to continue to grow and develop as an improviser), oh, and did I mention I play badmintion for my local badmintion club and our new season has just started? that means some very tough nights of badminton are on the horizon and thry will really drain my energy. I am alos going to be dedicating a lot of my time to planning my wedding with my beautiful fiancee, which is going to be very exciting, but equally I imagine it will be quite stressful. This is just a small portion of what my schedule has in store for me and to be honest, this is what I am used to. I have had a hectic schedule for as long back as I can remeber and that is just how I tick. I have many fingers in many pies and I get excitied about every one of them.

No matter how busy I get, I always plan time into my schedule to relax and unwind and I find those moments to be precious and incredibly important to my overall wellbeing. I mentioned that my voice acting is starting to pick up some traction and I am incredibly excitied about that. I am involved in a really fun project, but it will be a demanding project when we really get going with it. I mentioned in my last blog that taking breaks is important and I will one hundred percent be remembering that sage advice when the juggling act starts to get a bit too much for me. I learned a few years ago that sometimes it's absolutely fine to say 'no' if someone asks you to do something that is above and beyond what you normally would. I used to be the ultimate yes man and I found that really had a negative impact on me because it meant I never had any time to relax and unwind.

The life of a voice actor is a weird existence and in many ways is very isolated. I find most of my time is spent networking and marketing etc and lots of that leads nowhere, but when it does lead somehere it is magical and makes it all really feel worth it. People will only find you if you put yourself out there and people will only rebook you if that initial project is as good as you promised. This is where that balancing act comes in because if you let life get on top of you and don't fully commit to the voice acting gig you accepted, then you run the risk of doing a bad job and that will have a severely bad domino effect. If you are going to be balancing loads of different things, make sure they are things you truly care about, because this way you will be more inclined to take care of yourself so that you can give the right amount of yourself to every project.

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