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Nothing Compares to You

I recently attended an online social event for where I got to mingle with Voice Artists from all over the world. This was my second of such events and I have another one tonight. They are hosted by 'Gravy for the Brain' and are a really great way to meet with like minded souls and to learn from each others varied experiences. The main thing I have learend from these social events so far is that you should never compare your journey as a voice actor to the journey anybody else has taken. We all have completely different stories of how we reached the point we are at and that is wonderful! There is no 'one size fits all' and that means that there is a real sense of this being an industry that you can lean into your strengths and mould around your lifestyle. Some people will naturally need more time and others may instantly hit the ground running, but whatever differences the journeys may have I have noticed that passion is the common theme that runs through everybody's stories. I have met people in their 20's just starting out and I have met people in their 60's just starting out and I love that this is something that you can get into at any age. It can be easy to hear a story from someone about how they have only been doing this for so many months and already they have a long list of achievements and then feel a little overwhelmed, but then you hear from somebody who is incredibly successful but then hear how long it took them to achieve that success. I think time spent comparing yourself to somebody else is time wasted. It is better to just focus on yourself and your own goals and most of all just focus on the fun of being on your own journey. Voice acting is a lonely profession in many ways, so you really have to love what you are doing to make it worthwhile. So I guess what I am saying is that your time is best spent focusing on how you can continually improve to help you achieve the success that you want, rather than wasting time wishing that you were on somebody else's journey.

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