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Nothing but the Tooth...

Well this weekend did not go as planned...

Friday was a good day, until it wasn't. I am currently on my summer break from my teaching job and I have been using the time to both relax and focus on my voice acting journey. I launched my website and starting sharing my journey with the world and have spent a lot of time focusing on on continuing to learn and marketing myself, and so far I am very proud of myself for how things have been going. Don't get me wrong, there have been many bumps in the road already, but every barrier is just fuel to the fire that is burning brighter every day as I continue to develop the resilliance needed to be successful in any creative industry. I set last Friday aside for house maintence tasks. I needed to clean the gutters and power wash the drive as well as a few other tasks. I got up early, hit the day running and achieved all of my goals for the day. I was then able to relax, play some Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom and then settle down for a relaxing night on the sofa watching Silo on Apple TV+ with my fiancee Sekki. It was all going so well! I was enjoying some chocolates from my large mound of gifts I received from my class at the end of the school year, I was engrossed in the TV show, I was enjoying relaxing with Sekki I was enjoying the chocolate selection too and then all of a sudden snap! I paused for a moment and then started to feel around with my tounge. Surely what I think just happened didn't actually happen? Wrong, it totally happened, my tooth completely snapped. This has completely derailed my voice over plans for at least the next week. I couldn't get in to see my dentist at all over the weekend and coulndn't get anywhere with the NHS as the phones were just constantly busy. I went all of Saturday without any help with the tooth and this included attending my cousin's wedding evening celebrations. I would normally be on the dancefloor all night, but I just wasn't feeling myself, so just spent time sitting with my family and catching up with various extended family members (which was also nice). Thanks to my brother I was able to find a dentist that would see me today (Sunday). There was obviously a fee, but it was relatively low in the grand scheme of things. I had a feeling that the result of this trip to see a dentist would be that the remaining part of the tooth would need to be taken out and I was right. I won't go into the details, but having a tooth taken out is never fun. To be fair to the dentist though, she did a good job. When I left the dentist and settled up the fee (yes, I had to pay extra to give them my tooth) I realised that my face was covered in blood! Fortunately my brother lives close to where I ended up going to see the dentist, so I was able to go there and clean up and spend some time settling myself down after the trauma of having my tooth yanked. I am now sat at home writing this after spending the majority of the day sat at home feeling sorry for myself. I was supposed to be at an improv workshop in Glossop today, but Sekki ended up having to go without me.

My main issue now is I was hoping to spend this week working on some new voiceover demo's and putting myself forward for some auditions, but with how my mouth currently is, this simply won't be possible. There are other taks I can be doing to use my time well, but ultimately I need to make sure I give myself time to rest. There is no need to rush myself, but I will still be reaching out to some potential clients to try and get myself on their radar. I guess the reason I am writing this is so that I can remind myself of the importance of slowing down and taking time to recover instead of forcing myself into situations that will slow my recovery. Let's face it, having a tooth removed is a pretty traumatic experience and I need to give myself the opportunity to rest. I have an exciting opportunity coming up to teach an improv workshop for Gravy for the Brain and I am super excited about that, so I will use some of this downtime to focus on how I want to structure that session. As I am writing that last sentence I can hear myself shouting in my head that I need to stop worrying about being busy doing things and take some time to rest!

I'm sure you are all 'rooting' for me for a speedy recovery...

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